Monday, September 8, 2008

The Interventionist Part of the Mortgage Market Is Not Working!

To the economic ignoramuses that said: "The private part of the mortgage market just wasn't working".

Where's the proof? How do we know that it is not the 'interventionist' part of the mortgage market that is not working?

This is a serious question?

Where is the evidence that any of these 'economic spokespersons' have done any work? I challenge them to show me the analysis!

Why do we accept the fanciful rhetoric of these political pawns without asking them questions? The propaganda of the unConstitutional coup has made people think that economics is something that the average person cannot understand, which only serves to strengthen their stranglehold on our Constitutional Republic.

The subjectivist economics of classical liberalism is basically cause and effect common sense with a keen eye to be on guard against the ego-driven interventionists. From this easily understood and naturally logical point of view the obvious culprit in the mortgage market is government intervention, used to redistribute wealth towards those who are a part of the unConstitutional coup.

For more information go to .

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