Friday, December 27, 2013

A Working Definition Of Capital.

Capital is what makes available goods and services in the future and it is what makes possible any and all improvements of the goods and services available. At the same time it is what pays the income of those who are a part of the production process, whether that production is for goods and services available right now in the market (unless revenues exceed costs), or whether that production is for goods and services that will come into the market in the future.

There is no person in the world that is not a beneficiary of capital.

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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Is The Bitcoin Money?

The regression theorem of money is applicable to bitcoins since they are priced against currencies that originated out of a commodity money. Bitcoin is a money and if it can maintain its ability to stay invulnerable to the meddling of the State it will have a similar kind of economic impact that money had when it emerged in the market to improve upon barter: the State is that much of a burden of inefficiency (not to mention corruption).

It is an interim money.
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Saturday, August 17, 2013

What Could Start The Fiat Tumbling?

The world is made up of nationalistic fiat currency systems, a layering of sorts, since there are some that exercise a stronger degree of hegemony than others. What they all have in common is their dependence on the trust of the people in their ability to serve as a money that has purchasing power.

If the fiat currencies have been massaged in an unethical manner then the value of that currency can quickly disappear since its existence depends on trust.

There are a few dominant fiat currencies and the degree of domination changes over time. For a long time the U.S. dollar has dominated since it has been designated as the world reserve currency. But this mandate cannot be enforced when the urges of nationalism stir discontent, discontent with the theft of wealth associated with the inflation of the money supply.

One instance of this kind of response was the formation of the Eurozone and the Euro currency. But even within this framework there is similar redistribution of wealth from nations with recent history of monetary restraint (since their populations have memories of the destructiveness of hyperinflation) towards nations (even more) recklessly expanding the fallacious policies of socialism. Germany is feeling the pressure of the extraction of its wealth to prop up the hemorrhaging in other nations.

As you can see the level of trust is falling. Then, as a reaction, Germany asks to repatriate its gold held in trust with the Federal Reserve in the U.S. and finds that such a repatriation is not permitted for reasons that are very suspicious.

All of a sudden it is not just the people all around the world who see the value of their currencies over shorter and shorter intervals of time passing through their fingers like sand but now nations are witnessing the consequences of the untrustworthiness of fiat currencies. The lack of trust in fiat currencies is reaching a critical point and the race towards real money is beginning.

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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Universal Havoc Caused By Manipulation Of The Money Supply.

Manipulating the money supply affects all prices and certainly the price that connects the present to the future - the interest rate.

The false signals caused by manipulating the money supply cause malinvestment and over-consumption across all goods and services and of course it causes malinvestment and over-consumption of the goods and services that are sensitive to time. These false signals especially wreak havoc on the capital structure of the economy.

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