Friday, September 26, 2008

The Bailout Is Unethical!

The same irresponsible and corrupt decision-makers who conveniently separate ethics from economics so they can counterfeit without any remorse and run a central bank using fiat currency are now acting unethical again. This time the unethical counterfeiting of the unConstitutional coup totally disregards all reason and tries to bully elected representatives to ignore their constituencies.

Why doesn’t the the unConstitutional coup worry about whether the citizens of the United States object to the bailout? They are not elected, that is why! Their coup is run by unelected power elite who have made it appear that there is still a democratic process by making sure that there are two candidate masquerading as alternatives. Either one, they both serve the unConstitutional coup, not the people.

What is unethical is the money created ‘out of thin air’ by the central bank to prop up the corruptly ambitious financial institutions that earnestly participated in the wealth transfer scheme of the inflationists running the central bank. By rewarding these sycophants the unConstitutional coup is trying to keep its corrupt system afloat.

Ethically it would be very good for the economy and very good for the country to allow the market to purge the economy of bad debt but also to purge the our Constitutional Republic from the pernicious corruptions of the unConstitutional coup.

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