Friday, December 17, 2010

Bernanke's Arrogant Contempt For The Market!

We have an economic fool with fancy credentials - placed in the position of Chairman of the Federal Reserve specifically because the unConstitutional coup knew that he would do their bidding - proclaiming that he has the power to raise the interest rates in a mere fifteen minutes if things 'get out of control.'

What is trying to get out of control is the market itself!

It is being corrupted and distorted by the ego-driven interventionists (those who are trying to control the economy) who have no moral authority to interfere with the true economic signals that simply and naturally come from the market when it is unhampered and not being perverted by economic quackery.

Contrary to Bernanke's idiotic statement: ironically, if 'things get out of control' it is stopping from trying to control that is the only way to prevent things from getting worse.

Impeach or fire and prosecute Bernanke and get rid of the Federal Reserve! That is the real solution!

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

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