Saturday, August 14, 2010

Why Do Federal Reserve Defenders Fear Honest Money?

Talk about the lack of vision!!!  Fox Business' Charlie Gasparino supposedly analyzes the economy and says he wants transparency for the Federal Reserve. If there was transparency what does he think would come to light?

To Fox Business' Charlie Gasparino it would be 'extremist' to get rid of a counterfeiting operation that promotes economic terrorism, that props up an unConstitutional coup, that funds bribery and political corruption around the world, and that is intimately responsible for the deaths and the destruction of wealth of people all over the world on a massive scale.

Is he liar when he says that he wants transparency for the Federal Reserve, or is he an economic numbskull without a clue about why the Federal Reserve needs to be phased out by the process of honest money via competing currencies and a free banking system?

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