Monday, May 19, 2008

Benefit / Cost Analysis of the War.

Costs! The war has benefits as you can easily see if you 'follow the money.'

We have, here, two classes (the middle class is being wiped out): the politically connected and the politically manipulated. Costs of the war are the lot of the politically manipulated but guess what, they do not count, and therefore the costs of the war are not given any significant media coverage.

The ones that matter are: the class populated by the ego-driven interventionists and their minions. They benefit from the war; they start the wars; they perpetuate the wars; they extend their tentacles as a result of the war; and they flood the media with propaganda to mesmerize and manipulate the oppressed class.

Economics without ethics is sterile and in these dark days it is used as an empirical tool for the manipulative ego-driven interventionist.

War is immoral. That is the final analysis.

And now it is a scientifically proven fact ( as clearly shown by the divine economy theory) that there is no moral authority for intervention in the economy.

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