Friday, January 18, 2008

Q: Who's Fighting the War on the Inflation Drug? A: Ron Paul.

It's like the U.S. is a covey of drug addicts with the media and the special interest lobbyists suffering from withdrawal; with tremors so severe that the junkies in the media cannot and will not do their job. They only want to listen to the drug peddlers, yes, the politicians are out there and they give out the drug of inflation. They too (the politicians) are addicts and would gladly lose their honor and soul to get another inflation fix!

This drug culture is worldwide yet its drug kingpin is in the U.S. because all the nations of the world can only get their dollar drug from the key player. It used to be Alan Greespan but now it is Ben Bernanke!

Bernanke is surrounded by several mobs of dealers/addicts. The head honcho of this collusion says its time to administer another dose to calm the agitation and to stay in control. All of the jealously subservient minions (the politicians) see relief coming and scheme how to distribute the inflation drug to increase their power.

The only true physician speaks the truth. He says that the inflation addiction will destroy all of the individuals and institutions if they do not stop shooting up. He clearly describes how it takes more and more of the inflation drug each time to get any effect and he says that we are so severely addicted that we will resort to blatantly unethical acts to try to conceal our addiction. Election fraud is a perfect example of this lack of judgment.

You can help. Educate yourself. Inflation is nothing but the act of counterfeiting by the Federal Reserve. Politicians want counterfeiting because they can lie about what they can 'give' the people.

Ron Paul promises to give only principles and concepts, and the rule of law. He speaks about liberty and peace. He speaks about individual responsibility and property rights. He explains clearly that constitutional government is all that is necessary.

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