Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"To Keep It Afloat Let's Inflate," Says the Fed !!!!!

The Federal Reserve is desperate. Like Ron Paul said during the Congressional Joint Economic Committee hearings on November 8, 2007 when he was questioning the Fed Chairman Bernanke: the Federal Reserve "is between a rock and a hard place."

But the solution was to allow the recessionary process to clear the economic system of all the malinvestment caused by the inflationary actions taken by the Federal Reserve in the past. In other words, do not inflate. Inflating at this time delays and intensifies the economic fallout. It compounds the problem in ways not easily traced because it distorts the entire capital structure. Most immediately it steals the value of people's savings and passes it along to those who are politically connected and who are bellyaching to their lapdog politicians like only a politically well-connected lobbiest can.

Stop the theft, stop the counterfeiting, stop stealing from the middle income citizens, stop stealing from those who save and from those who have fixed incomes, and stop enriching those who go to bed with the government, that is, all the politicians who ignore their oath to uphold the Constitution.

If you need educated, listen to Ron Paul. If you need courage, emulate Ron Paul. If you need ethical training, follow the example of Ron Paul.

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