Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Ethics (or lack of) Of Inflation - Part Two.

This is the continuation of Part One. In this blog entry, Part Two, the intensity of the evil of inflation will be made evident.

Sure, counterfeiting is an evil thing just as is theft which is exactly what happens when counterfeiting occurs. Now consider the degree of evil attributable to being able to conceal the theft because of a central banking system and then the magnified degree of evil attained since the theft is concealed, thereby allowing the magnitude of the counterfeiting to become massive. Guess what, that does not even reveal a fraction of the totality of the evil of inflation!

How can that be, you say! 'Hold on to your horses!'

By way of inflation a system dependent on inflation is built. It is a power system. It starts by having the power to inflate but then it grows.

When newly printed money (generated by an act of counterfeiting) enters into the credit system it has to come out somewhere. The interventionist in power makes sure that those who are favored receive the money first. Before the flush of money begins to circulate the value of the money is still at pre-inflation levels and so goods and services are channeled to these favored ones (these are the same ones that become addicted to this privilege) before the purchasing power of the currency falls. These groups become enriched and become collusionists and become dependent like addicts.

Meanwhile those receiving the currency later in its circulation get the same 'pay' but by then it is worth less. Theft has occurred.

This entanglement and dependency within the power system takes on a life of its own. The beneficiaries of the system of inflation gain power and eventually use that power to take control of the power to inflate, and then, feeds itself to become even more pervasive and powerful!

These words describe the steps but in the political world the intensity of the evil is even more extreme. For example, at some point the education system is taken over and people are indoctrinated. Case in point, students are taught that the Federal Reserve fights inflation. At some point the media is taken over and the evils of inflation are not allowed to be aired. Case in point, the media ignores or distorts the Ron Paul campaign but the information still flows on the internet. Who do you think wants to regulate the internet?

To oppose and expose the system of inflation takes courage and righteousness and integrity. These are the qualities of the statesman Ron Paul. He is the only candidate for President that is knowledgeable about the economics rooted in classical liberalism. He is the only candidate that isn't an addict of inflation.

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