During formation in the womb you were all the while advancing towards this world and all of its bestowals. Had you known what this world was like that would have been the optimal time to long for those things.
Once in this world a different process with regards to this world was taking place. All the while, especially after gaining maturity, the things of this world were becoming less and less worthy of aspiring towards as permanent (eternal) possessions! You've heard it said "You can't take it with you!"
Does that mean that wealth is not to be sought and loved? Heavens no!
Wealth is a means not an ends!!!
The love of wealth is fully compatible with the essential human reality as long as it is seen as a means. If it is the means to becoming a happier and healthier person and family and community there cannot be a better way to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization!
Those who do not appreciate and even denigrate wealth are looking at wealth as an ends, and those who regard wealth as an ends and yet seek it are chasing a phantom!
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