Monday, August 31, 2009

Identity Theft Afflicts Ben Bernanke!!!

Why do you think someone stole Bernanke's identity?

Well, for starters he is a counterfeiter that is above the law. What crook would not like that kind of criminal immunity?

Crooks aspiring to be the mother of all crooks are attracted to Bernanke, which explains why he suffers from identity theft and it also explains who his associates are.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Does The Gallup Poll Suggest Fed Unpopularity?

Do you think that those in charge are not aware of this unpopularity? If they are then why re-appoint Bernanke?

Because he does exactly what they want him to do. It is his "independence" that they like so much.

He is independent of ethics and economics. He is independent of what the people in America think about the fascist connection to Wall Street. He is independent of restraint of the money supply. He is independent of savings and loanable funds.

It is his independence that allows him to have a foreign policy outside the constraints of Congress.

Yes we need independence for the Federal Reserve just like Bernanke and Geithner suggest.

But the real problem is that Bernanke and Geithner are agents of the unConstitutional coup!

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What Kind Of Deal Did Bernanke Make?

After campaigning hard for re-appointment we find out who is immediately cashing in, now that Bernanke has been re-appointed.

"For our support of your reappointment we will expect the chairmanship of the New York Federal Reserve Bank." The number of hogs feeding at the trough is getting larger and the flow of slop is dwindling. Will the hogs begin to fight amongst themselves?

Who are the hogs? The members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup, their fascist buddies, their socialist buddies, the pompous academics and politicians that are used as pawns, and now the mobster union types.

Diversionary tactics may fool some people but not enough and so the trough will become a place of conflict between these gluttonous hogs.

Bernanke cannot keep them all fed by creating fiat money out of thin air. He better hope that he doesn't slip and fall into the trough because they will eat him alive!

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Gold Is A Trustworthy Medium Of Exchange.

Since all the gold that was ever mined still exists and can potentially be in circulation as a medium of exchange if its highest value is as a medium of exchange, then relatively speaking, the incremental increase in the gold supply - the stock of money - will never be very large.

Apart from the fact that a gold standard prevents governments from inflating, gold should not scare the Friedmanites.

In addition, whatever the stock of money is, that is ideal since prices in a free market are relative. Which means that even if there are many uses for gold in addition to its use as a medium of exchange the relative prices in the economy simply reflect that.

Since trustworthiness is the 'supreme instrument for the prosperity of the world' gold as the international medium of exchange is the best means.

For more information go to my website.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

How Foolish Does America Look From Europe?

Because the media is controlled by the unConstitutional coup in America most people think that the viewpoints (propaganda) that they read about and watch on TV and hear are similar to the perspectives of people and the media in other parts of the world.

Here is an example of financial analysis from a European perspective that is refreshingly candid about the corruption and the economic ignorance of the sleazy politicians who are doing the bidding of the members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup.

Next time you listen or read the news from "American' sources you will sense its propagandistic nature and realize that the source is really from those who are trying to usurp our Constitutional Republic.

For more information go to my website.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Statesmanship Is Not Partisan, Nor Is Liberty!

Thomas Eddlem of the Boston Conservative Examiner goes on to say about Congressman Ron Paul:

"His latest book, End the Fed, is already selling well at – even though it isn't even slated to be published until September 16. The contention of End the Fed is that the current economic crisis was largely a creation of the Federal Reserve's efforts to suppress interest rates earlier in the decade, creating the housing boom as well as its subsequent bust."

Just imagine how galvanized people will become when they are educated, in other words, after End the Fed becomes a best seller and a phenomenon!

For more information go to my website.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Who Stole $700 Billion?

It is not that they do not know, it is that they do know and cannot tell.

One leak will start a trail that will lead the source of the economic terrorism back to the unConstitutional coup.

Then the names of the members of the inner circle will start to emerge and then people will know who, specifically, stole their wealth.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ha Ha Ha, A Debt Limit! Don't Be Silly!

Spread the deceit around.

Why not have the President ask for the debt limit to be changed while at the same time proposing more and more socialist programs?

The answer is: Spread the deceit around.

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