Sunday, December 21, 2008

Interest Rate Of Zero Makes U.S. More Unproductive.

An interest rate of zero is absurd! It is like saying production of goods that require time and that won‘t be available until some time in the future are just as valuable as goods that are available right now!

It is like saying that producers in the U.S. economy do not need to produce goods now. The interest rate is the premium assigned to goods if we have to wait for them. If that premium is zero then we don’t need them now!

Now take a look at the U.S. economy and see if a zero rate of interest makes any sense. Productive capacity is declining with the bulk of production taking place in other parts of the world and then imported in exchange for dollars. In other words producers in the U.S. are already being diminished by all of the economic intervention. Now these same economic interventionists are sending a signal (interest rate = zero) to producers not to produce goods now.

This is a devious way for the Federal Reserve to manage price deflation. It is their secretive way of destroying productive capacity to try to prop up prices since the barbaric methods of burning crops and killing livestock as was directed during the New Deal to prop up prices would surely cause a revolution nowadays.

Deflationary adjustments during the recessionary period liquidates bad debt and adjusts relative prices which has the benefit of causing the currency to appreciate. This is bad news for the biggest debtor in the history of the world!

The unConstitutional coup is behind the economic terrorism that uses the Federal Reserve to steal from the general populace and to bribe the ego-driven interventionists. It is ultimately the holder of all the welfare/warfare debt and it is behind all the pressure that is being put on its underling named Bernanke to make the interest rate zero.

The last thing the U.S. economy needs is to become less productive!!!

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bernard Madoff Nominated As Social Security Czar!

Wall Street insider Bernard Madoff would be a great one for President-elect Obama to appoint as the Social Security Czar! He knows how the system works.

It goes like this: money extracted today is used to pay the benefits of all those who paid in before, as if there is some fund that holds earlier 'mandatory contributions.'

Where is the money that was extracted earlier? Raided and spent by the politicians!

When will this Ponzi scheme completely unravel? When the Funds extracted today can no longer fund the benefits paid out on that day.

Wasn't that projected to be sometime in the future like 2021 or 2040 or some such distant date? Guess what numbers were used to make that prediction? The empiricists made estimates based on their completely blind view that the U.S. economy was going to grow continually, according to their ego-driven interventionist models.

Ooops! The Keynesian long-run has now arrived! Screech! The complete melt down is at hand and so now we find out that the predictions of the empiricists (like usual) were ill-informed and politically motivated.

All of the sudden the bankrupcy of the Ponzi scheme that we call Social Security is on the doorstep. This is where the expertise of Bernard Madoff comes in. He is familiar with the next step - confess that it was just a Ponzi scheme!

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Goliath Symbolizes The Counterfeiting UnConstitutional Coup.

It is demoralizing to hear about the deluge of errors (bailouts here and bailouts there) coming at us from all directions. And I'm not even reliant on the 'garbage' from the main stream media!

Our battle for human rights is not going away and we are not going to forget what liberty is all about. Instead we are in it and our stance is the fortress.

I am as convinced as ever that we have to expose the power-elite members of the unConstitutional coup. Americans need to realize that the 'domestic enemies' referred to are the economic terrorists that are in control of the world fiat reserve currency.

What can we do against their instant counterfeiting of trillions of dollars to shore up their defenses? What is the significance of the symbolism of the story of David and Goliath? What is the significance of the old football refrain: 'The bigger they are the harder they fall?'

What we can do is stay connected and stay active and educate ourselves and others. We cannot say 'the battle has just begun' because it has been going on for a long time but the victory is closer and the unConstitutional coup is desperate.

Here's my well wishes to you in your highly commendable endeavor!

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Money And Ethics In Iceland!

Interesting Icelandic Initiative - 'I I I' - An initiative not desired by the ego-driven interventionists who have risen by political means to occupy the seats of government.

Nonetheless it is interesting to see how quickly its mirage of the "Scandanavian Model” of a prosperous welfare system vanished and how obvious it was to everyone - who it was that was responsible for the destruction of the 'normal' Icelandic way of life.

END THE FED is poised to do the same here. The Campaign For Liberty and the Mises Institute stand ready and willing to educate the masses as soon as they recognize that the main stream media is a propaganda machine of the unConstitutional coup.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Please Congress, Do Your Job!

Read HR 2755. What a sound, succinct, and clearly stated piece of legislation!

There is no need for a bureaucracy to be formed to surround the member of Congress just to get a summary of its content.

It is promising to think that members of Congress can actually be exposed to an easy to understand legislative proposal that has the quality of being submitted by a statesman, not a politician!

Then imagine the magnitude of the issue addressed by this legislation! It phases out the immoral counterfeiting done by a private banking cartel that historically has corruption-ridden roots and which is intimately entangled with what has become the unConstitutional coup that is destroying our Constitutional Republic.

Will Congress recognize this as one of its greatest opportunities to finally apprehend the usurpers of our Constitutional Republic? Are the economic terrorists running out of time?

Please Congress - do your job!

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.